Dec 02, 18 · I cannot create a bashed patch with Wrye Bash with MO2 When it supposedly finishes creating the bashed patch, it freezes eternally and gets stuck and I have to manually kill Wrye Bash I am using Mod Organizer 215 Win7 64 Bit WryeSmaSince MO2 creates a virtual folder structure, you have to run all your modding tools, including Wrye Bash, through MO2 That was what I was having a bit of a challenge with, in terms of where to install Wrye Bash so MO2 would recognize itSep 22, 18 · Open Fo4Edit within MO2, leave all plugins checked, wait, and then right click in the plugins, go to Other, i think, and select create merged patch It will make something very similar to what Wrye does Then you would need to do the magic and see the records it added to the new merged patch you just created and make adjustments Skyrim Vr Ini File Should Be Called Skyrimvr Ini 开源项目 Csdn问答 Wrye bash vs mo2